Git of Mr.WYF

> General git project information.

IDProjectBasic doc description.
1/gityf/R-basic R lang basic note.
2/gityf/javaweb java web doc backup.
3/gityf/tcl tcl demos
4/gityf/tcllib Mirror from tcllib @
5/gityf/java java demo
7/gityf/go go demos
8/gityf/lua lua demos
9/gityf/nginx-module this is my nginx module.
11/gityf/goradius A RADIUS implementation in Go
1/gityf/log write log implements.
2/gityf/etcd A distributed consistent key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery
3/gityf/snappy A fast compressor/decompressor
4/gityf/ipc ipc wrapper for message queue, shared memory and semaphore.
5/gityf/utils utils code slice.
6/gityf/folly An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
7/gityf/libdict C library of key-value data structures with an object-oriented interface.
8/gityf/fbthrift Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server.
9/gityf/wrk Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
10/gityf/libsoundio C library for cross-platform real-time audio input and output
11/gityf/upb small, fast parsers for the 21st century
12/gityf/zkclient a zookeeper client, that makes life a little easier.
13/gityf/handy 简洁易用的C++11网络库/c++11版muduo
14/gityf/dl dlopen wrapper
15/gityf/db This is client demo for database. MySQL Oracle levelDB Redis MemoryCached/CKV.
16/gityf/crc crc16/crc32/crc64
17/gityf/polygon to check whether a point is in polygon or not.
18/gityf/RC6 RC6 Encryption
1/gityf/pb2json Decode protobuf to json format
2/gityf/minirpc This is mini rpc depend on google protobuf.
3/gityf/muduo A C++ non-blocking network library for multi-threaded server in Linux
4/gityf/rtbkit RTBkit is a real-time bidder framework designed for use on advertising exchanges such as the Rubicon Project, Nexage, App Nexus, The Google Ad Exchange and others.
5/gityf/openrtb2x Up to date reference impl of the latest spec (2.0) of OpenRTB
6/gityf/ngx_http_cppjieba_module CppJieba 的 Nginx 扩展模块
7/gityf/muduo-protorpc Google Protobuf RPC based on Muduo
8/gityf/examples Examples of OpenRTB request and responses to support the OpenRTB Specification.
9/gityf/MiniAgent This is a simple middleware. includes three parts:
10/gityf/proxygen A collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server.
11/gityf/OpenRTB Documentation and issue tracking for the OpenRTB Project
12/gityf/word Java分布式中文分词组件 - word分词
13/gityf/luawrapper Easy-to-use lua wrapper for C++
14/gityf/mini-muduo a mini implementation of muduo
15/gityf/ZooInspector ZooInspector工具改造,添加了权限控制功能。
16/gityf/json2thrift JSON to Thrift Definition Creator
17/gityf/pb2jsoncpp Decode protobuf to json format. Porting from pb2json (
18/gityf/json2pb Python/C++ implementation of JSON to/from Protobuf convertor

Copyright (C) 2016 Wang Yaofu